Greening Western Balkans' environmental behavior

26окт10:0017:00Greening Western Balkans' environmental behavior


The Macedonian Chevening Alumni Association has the pleasure to invite you to attend our upcoming conference on Greening Western Balkans’ Environmental Behavior, taking place on October 26th, in Skopje.

The environment degradation challenge is one of the defining issues of our era and the humanity in general, thus top priority of many governments throughout the world. Yet, there is a specific lack of awareness among different constituents within the Western Balkan Countries.

The conference aims at addressing the question of Western Balkans’ Environmental Behavior holistically, approaching the topic from many angles including the institutional, corporate and civil society’s perspective. Our speakers, experts from the governments, academia, business sector and NGOs, will share their latest research and examples from the practice in assessing the current level of awareness on environmental problems and challenges, what has been done so far in the WB countries and generate ideas for future action.
Working language will be English, with translation provided in Macedonian and Albanian,

Stay tuned for further details on our panelists and the conference program.



октомври 26, 2019 10:00 - 17:00(GMT+00:00)


Skopje Marriott Hotel

Plostad Makedonija 7(Entrance from str. Maksim Gorki), 1000 Skopje

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