Balkan Regional FORUM 2020
20авг(авг 20)12:0003сеп(сеп 3)14:00Balkan Regional FORUM 2020
The scale of the intersecting challenges that we face today can only be taken on with a big bold joint Plan ❗ ➡️ Small, detached incremental changes won’t cut it.
The scale of the intersecting challenges that we face today can only be taken on with a big bold joint Plan ❗
➡️ Small, detached incremental changes won’t cut it. We need a strong united front with a radical vision of the future, rooted in solidarity, justice and care for our communities and our environment❗
?To work both individually and collectively towards that just and sustainable future, we must build a collective vision of a post-COVID-19 world that centers the voices of the deliberately silenced; the individuals and communities that are most affected, especially in times of crisis, by the extractive and exploitative capitalist system that is in decay.
?To work towards that future, we need to be able to visualise it, and to jointly plan towards it.
??? This is why we would like to invite you for the 3 day online event “Balkan Regional Forum” organized by Young Friends of the Earth Macedonia and SmartUp Social Innovation Lab together with the SEENET Network.
The forum will be an open place for organizations, individuals and initiatives from N.Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Bulgaria to jointly discuss and create the Balkan Green and Just Recovery, as well as to inspire future plans and contours regarding the Balkan Green Deal.
?The meetings will happen on the 20th, 27th of August and 3rd of September, on the zoom platform. There will be 2 hours of agenda for each meeting.
The general timeline of the discussions is planned to be:
?1st meeting: 20th August, 2020
presentation of Balkan Green & Just Recovery draft plan, ways of collaboration
toolkit for collective visioning and mapping allies
?2nd meeting: 27th August, 2020
Balkan Green Deal contours, plans and next steps for joint actions
ways of collecting visioning and collaboration
?3rd meeting: 3rd September, 2020
presentation of collected visions from participants and the contours of BGD created in the past 2 meetings
ways of continuing work together & push for system change
➡️ If you want to get on board, please fill in the questions on this form: with your information and let us know what sessions you are planning to attend. The deadline for registering is Tuesday, 18th of August, 2020.
Join us on creating a brighter, more just and inclusive green future, because for the system change we need everyone!
ℹ This event is part of the pan-European SYSTEM:RESET project, which is building platforms across Europe to bring young people from under-represented communities into multi-levelled decision-making to embark on collective visioning and joint planning, and have their demands amplified in national and European decision making processes. If you want to learn more watch the video on this link ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
#SystemResetProject #ClimateJustice #SocialJustice #YFoEE #Intersectionality #GreenDealforEurope #eyf
*This event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and South East Europe Network for Energy and Transport (SEENET).
август 20, 2020 12:00 - септември 3, 2020 14:00(GMT+00:00)
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