Green City Unconference ”A city that (re)invents itself”

11јун(јун 11)09:0012(јун 12)20:00Green City Unconference ”A city that (re)invents itself”


It is our pleasure to invite you to the first Green City Unconference ”A city that (re)invents itself” organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Skopje Office in cooperation with City of Skopje.

As air pollution is a pressing issue in the city, the aim of this event is to bring together young people and students with creative ideas and make space for sharing innovative approaches and collaborating in the creation of possible practical and green solutions for improving the air quality. For that reason we think that your presence would be of a valuable contribution in reinventing Skopje and making it a sustainable healthy and green city for all of us.

The event will take place over the course of 11-12.06.2019. The first part of the event will be held at the Inno-FEEIT Center within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Information Technologies in Skopje, followed by a an interactive and poster presentation part happening at the Skopje Urban Living Lab in the Old Baazar.

What are the topics in focus?
Based on the current situation in most urban areas in the country as well as following the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, we have identified the following topics as important to address:
• Mobility and transport
• Urban planning and green public spaces
• Waste management and recycling
• Reducing CO2 emissions

At the unconference you will be asked to make a choice about which of these topics you would want to work on, and on that basis a group will be formed that will work together for a possible solution.

Who can apply?

We kindly encourage students and recent graduates in fields relating to the topics of the unconference to apply. However, young people in general with some experience or strong interest in the topics mentioned above are also warmly welcomed.

How to apply?

We kindly ask you to send us your application form on no later than 26.05.2019. Please attach a short biography and a letter of interest for one of the topics (from above) with a key problem you can identify in city areas and a possible idea for a solution that you would want to focus and work on together with other participants during the event.

We are looking forward to meeting you and hearing your ideas!
Kind regards,
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Skopje Office



јуни 11, 2019 09:00 - јуни 12, 2019 20:00(GMT+00:00)


Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии - ФЕИТ

ul. Rugjer Boshkovikj 18, 1000 Skopje

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