MKStartups Network Up

18окт18:0021:00MKStartups Network Up


Startup Macedonia and MKstartups Space team is bringing the ultimate informal networking concept to Skopje:

#MKStartups NetworkUP is a casual bi-weekly meetup for people that are working in tech companies, startups or in the creative digital field in Skopje, so we can network and chat, out of the office, while we are enjoying our favorite drink in a different bar.

For the 4th edition, we decided to mix things up and invite you to join us for a completely unique Balkan experience in Kafana a place where you eat,drink & enjoy traditional music that is why we partnered up with Idadija M by Kerpic and we have 10% discount on food & drinks

Reserve your spot until 13:00 on Friday on the following link



октомври 18, 2019 18:00 - 21:00(GMT+00:00)


Идадија М

Дебар Маало, ул. Раде Кончар 1, 1000 Skopje

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