Startups, Youth Empowerment and Climate Change: ESG in the International Agenda

09ное15:0016:00Startups, Youth Empowerment and Climate Change: ESG in the International Agenda


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This event will explore the role of startups, innovation, and disruptive technologies in the context of climate change, serving as a call to governments and the private sector to bring attention to the key role of youth as drivers of sustainable development, as summarized in the ESG agenda.

The session will promote the connection between young entrepreneurs and international leaders from different parts of the Global South, showing that commitment must come from both high-level agents and grassroots movements. It will do so as a mix between pitches, putting a Brazilian startup and an African startup side-by-side to showcase their ideas and solutions, and a panel discussion, with government, private sector and civil society leaders assessing these startups’ approaches towards climate change.

This way, we aim to bring visibility to the potential of South- South Cooperation as a tool for knowledge exchange among less developed countries, and highlight the alignment of governments and private sector with the objectives of Sustainable Development (ODS).

By giving startups a privileged space in the international agenda, authorities will sense the importance of directing policies and investment towards youth empowerment, catalysing innovative solutions for climate change in the long-run.



ноември 9, 2021 15:00 - 16:00(GMT+00:00)

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