Western Balkan Autumn Demo Day

23сеп00:00Western Balkan Autumn Demo Day


It’s time for a new chapter! ⚡

Fall will come sooner than you think, and so will
Western Balkan Autumn Demo Day

Tech startups – this is your opportunity to shine!
If you are investment-ready, in need of support, use this chance to be noticed by regional investors and company leaders.

The event will be held on the 23rd of September, fully online, in a 3D virtual space.
You will meet business angels, investment funds, corporate and startup ecosystem leaders.


Sneak peek:

STUDIO X Ventures selects up to 3 startups
for investments from 50K

Besides regular rooms, galleries, terrace and square, you will have an opportunity to visit the Expo Area, where startups from different industries are going to be presented.
• If you are a startup looking for an investor learn more and apply for a 30 minutes free consultation, by September 17th.
• The registration link for visitors is here.
• If you are an investor feel free to join us by filling out the form.

The clock is ticking, save your seat and stay tuned for more information

Welcome to the next level! 🚀



септември 23, 2021 00:00 ECT(GMT+00:00)

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