Western Balkans Digital Summit

04апр(апр 4)08:3005(апр 5)16:30Western Balkans Digital Summit


On the 4 and 5 April 2019, Serbia will host the Western Balkans Digital Summit (#DSWB6) in Belgrade. The Summit will bring together representatives from governments, businesses, regional organizations, CSOs, academia and youth with the goal to set up a digital platform for exchanging of ideas and proposals.

Registrations are open from March 5 until March 25, 2019

On the summit will revolve around 4 platforms:

Digital Skills: School Reforms for Digital Future: Digital transformation and the rise of educational technology

Trust and security: Development of regional cooperation and recognition of qualified trusted services and electronic identification schemes

Networks and connectivity: The right framework conditions for digital connectivity in Western Balkans

Digital economy and society: Business innovation as a driver of economic growth



април 4, 2019 08:30 - април 5, 2019 16:30 CET(GMT+00:00)


Belgrade, Serbia

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