What Does Meaningful Youth Leadership Look Like?

05ное11:3013:00What Does Meaningful Youth Leadership Look Like?


Link to the event!

“Join youth climate activists from around the world as they talk about the impacts of climate change they are experiencing and the action and campaigning they are part of. Campaigners from Mock COP26 and Fridays for Future MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas) will join in-person and youth who cannot attend COP26 via video. They will share what was achieved when hundreds of youth worldwide came together to show their climate ambition through Mock COP26, an online conference that filled the void left by the postponement of COP26 last year. During this event there will be a space for the young people on the panel to answer your questions and talk about their vision for real youth leadership on climate.

Instagram: @mockcop26
Twitter: @mockcop26”



ноември 5, 2021 11:30 - 13:00(GMT+00:00)

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